September 4, 1664 – New Sweden Lutheran Church Established

September 4, 1664 – New Sweden Lutheran Church Established

Once upon a time there was a New Sweden in North America and its capital was on Tinicum Island in the middle of the Delaware River between Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Before the Dutch would drive the Swedes away, the first Lutheran church in America was established...
September 3, 570 – Pope Gregory the Great Consecrated

September 3, 570 – Pope Gregory the Great Consecrated

Did John Calvin ever have something good to say about a pope? There was at least one, Pope Gregory the Great, who was consecrated on September 3, 570. He was a prolific writer and reconstructed much of the way worship took place at the time. He is most appreciated for...
September 2, 1973 – J.R.R. Tolkien Dies

September 2, 1973 – J.R.R. Tolkien Dies

A devout Roman Catholic, J.R.R. Tolkien is best remembered as the author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings novels. Unlike his friend C.S. Lewis, Tolkien never made over religious inferences in his novel such as can be seen in the Narnia series. He preferred to...
September 1, 1159 – Only English Pope Adrian IV Dies

September 1, 1159 – Only English Pope Adrian IV Dies

The only Englishman to serve as pope, died on September 1, 1159. He took the name Adrian IV during the five years he served as pope and was elected because of his reorganization of the churches in Scandinavia. He would often run afoul of the Holy Roman Emperor as he...
August 31, 1735 – Missionary John Sergeant Ordained

August 31, 1735 – Missionary John Sergeant Ordained

Norman Rockwell captured a meeting of missionary John Sergeant’s conversion of Mahican Chief Konkapot in this painting to commemorate the important meeting. Chief Konkapot realized he was not able to defeat the white settlers and decided for a truce and thought he...